Member-only story
Listen Up — This Is Important
On the hunt for the listener engagement bonus
A few months back, I read an article about an engagement bonus for listening time. In March and April, when people listened to stories on this platform, the author received a little extra money.
Is that still happening? I have no idea, but I do know that I haven’t received one cent for listening time. Not.One.
No one is listening to me.
For Your Ears Only
Because I like money and a good challenge, I have decided to increase my listenership by offering a special one-time-only offer to those who enjoy my articles through the audio feature.
The following paragraph has never-before-shared, psychologist-approved life tips guaranteed to lead you to love, money, and happiness. These nuggets are so valuable that they are written in invisible ink and only my listeners will benefit from them.
And those, my audio friends, are the secrets to changing your life!
Listen Up
If those confidential, top-secret tips don’t tempt you to start listening, here are three more reasons I’m best on audio:
- I have a lovely voice. I’m a skilled enunciator with a delightful British accent and a charming…